Being overly prepared creates an amazing customer experience they won't forget. Your clients will be so taken aback by your preparedness, they'll be sure to rave about you to everyone they know!
Hi! I'm Marggie Duncan from BenyAni Photography. Come along with me on my journey on how I got to a mutliple 6 figure income. I'm going to take you through all the ups and downs, and ins and outs, that I wish I knew back then. Dreams definitely come true and I can't wait to take you on the journey of how I made that happen, because I have all the confidence in the world that you can too! Come along with me as I show you all the ways to get to where I am today, with a multiple 6 figure studio.
In this course, we'll cover:
- Stocking Your Studio and Setting the Stage
- Customer Service - an Unforgettable Experience
- CRM Tools Implemented Effectively - so your clients are looked after and you don't need to work harder, just smarter!
- Branding - become an industry leader
- Creating a Boutique Studio
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Journey to a Multi 6 Figure Studio$197
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- Total payment
- Journey to a Multi 6 Figure Studio$197
- Discount
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
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- 1x payment, due in due_period$0
- Discount$0
- Shipping$0
- Sales tax$0
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$0 - Today's payment
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